• Diversity - Das European Pride in Aviation Network (EPAN)

    Das EPAN setzt sich für Vielfalt und Diskriminierungsfreiheit in der Luftfahrt ein. VC-Pressesprecher Matthias Baier spricht mit Daniel Rüdel, VC-Mitglied und Vizepräsident des EPAN, Bernd Römmelt und Tobias Hinsch, beide VC- und EPAN-Mitglieder, sowie VC-Präsident Stefan Herth über die Themen Diversität, Gleichberechtigung und Entstigmatisierung.

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  • Piloten sind sich einig: #SafetyStartsWith2

    Die Reduzierung der Piloten im Cockpit ist ein Spiel mit dem Feuer und gefährdet das Leben der Passagiere, der Besatzung und der Menschen in den Gebieten, die wir jeden Tag überfliegen.

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  • Die Vereinigung Cockpit ist ein demokratischer und politisch unabhängiger Berufsverband, der sich für die Sicherheit im Luftverkehr einsetzt - ehrenamtlich geführt von Piloten.

    Werden Sie Teil dieser rund 10.000 Mitglieder zählenden Gemeinschaft!

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  • Flugsicherheitskonzept SafeSKY 2023

    – Eine Perspektive aus dem Flight Deck

    Weitere Informationen

The fundamental objectives of the VC are contributing to the welfare and safety of civil aviation as well as ensuring and pursuing the interests of its members regarding technical affairs and industrial affairs.

Among other things, we achieve this by influencing legislation, concluding collective wage agreements, participating in decision-making for the composition of salary terms and other conditions of employment, informing the public about the professional, sociopolitical and economic situation of cockpit crews.

In addition to that more than 130 honorary members are involved with the establishment and provision of extensive professional expertise within the VC in line with various committees, which meet at regular intervals, to ensure the exchange of information and to deal with current topics, e.g. the SafeSKY Initiative.

VC is a member of the European Cockpit Association (ECA) and the International Federation of Airline Pilots (IFALPA).


31. Jul Lufthansa collective bargaining: Successful ballot sends send signal for a new momentum

Result shows strong support of VC members for the goals of the Collective Bargaining Commission

In the strike ballot that ended today, Lufthansa pilots voted clearly in favor of continuing along the current collective bargaining path. With a turnout of 93.2% (DLH) and 95.7% (Lufthansa Cargo), 97.6% (DLH) and 99.3% (Lufthansa Cargo) voted in favor of supporting the collective bargaining...  Details

24. Feb VC assessment for civil air traffic in Ukrainian airspace

VC aviation safety experts generally advise flying around all airspaces whose status and safety are unresolved over a wide area.

Ukraine has closed its airspace to civil flights in accordance with international regulations. The Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) agrees with EASA's recommendation for air traffic regarding Ukraine. When flying in Russian airspace, a minimum distance of 100NM (approx. 185 KM) should be maintained at the...  Details

21. Feb Vereinigung Cockpit mourns the death of Gail Halvorsen

In deep mourning, the German Airline Pilots' Association Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) says goodbye to one of the most famous Berlin Airlift pilots, Colonel Gail Halvorsen. He passed away at the age of 101.

VC President Stefan Herth says: "We bow our heads to Gail Halvorsen and say goodbye to a great pilot who was a close friend of our association. His life and his actions have been and will remain a lasting symbol of reconciliation and of international understanding. We will miss him." Gail...  Details

04. Aug End dumping prices in aviation - air travel has its value

Vacation time is travel time and many people are recognizing the value of free and unrestricted air travel in Europe again during their vacation trips. At the same time, some airlines are announcing that they want to flood the market with tickets at dumping prices in order to secure additional...  Details

25. May Political power interests must not jeopardize flight safety

VC condemns forced landing of Ryanair flight FR-4978 as serious interference in civil air traffic

On May 23, 2021, Ryanair flight FR-4978 en route from Athens to Vilnius was - according to German foreign minister Heiko Maas - forced to divert to Minsk under the pretext of a bomb threat. The German Airline Pilots condemn this serious interference with civil air traffic. Civilian overflight of...  Details

16. Sep VC warns against EU-Qatar aviation agreement to be put into effect

An air transport agreement (CATA) negotiated between the EU Commission and the State of Qatar provides for a gradual opening of the European market for airlines from Qatar.

This should enable them to increase their frequencies and destinations within the EU. In order to come into force, the agreement must be examined and signed by the Council of the European Union, which has not yet taken place. In VC's view, this is completely the wrong time considering the current...  Details